Celebrating GEAR UP Heroes and Rising Stars During National GEAR UP Week

National GEAR UP Week is a time to celebrate the incredible impact of the GEAR UP program on students, schools, and communities across the country. GEAR UP works to create opportunities for students who may not have otherwise seen a path to higher education. This week, we highlight not only the students, our Rising Stars, who have seized these opportunities, but also the GEAR UP professionals, our GEAR UP Heroes, who work tirelessly to transform dreams into realities.

Students like Jocelyn and Zoe are living proof that GEAR UP makes a difference. Jocelyn, a dedicated first-generation college student, participated in every New York GEAR UP event, earning speaking roles and inspiring her peers with her perseverance. Zoe, a leader in her 8th-grade class and a representative at the State Lobbying Day, balanced her leadership roles with high academic honors, demonstrating what it means to be a true Rising Star. Each of these students has embraced the support provided by GEAR UP, and in doing so, they are paving the way for bright futures in fields like nursing, law, and public service.

Just as impactful are the professionals and alumni supporting these students. Heroes like Brittney Thomas in Flint, Michigan, provide the care and intentionality that help students overcome barriers. Brittney’s commitment to her students has transformed the GEAR UP program in her community. Similarly, Maria, a GEAR UP alumna from Region One GEAR UP in Texas, exemplifies the program’s mission. Once unsure about her college prospects as an undocumented student, Maria now paves the way for others in similar situations, helping them access higher education and realize their dreams. Her story highlights the enduring power of GEAR UP to change lives for generations to come.

National GEAR UP Week reminds us of the remarkable achievements of these Rising Stars and GEAR UP Heroes. Their stories demonstrate the lasting value of the program in empowering students to reach their full potential and in shaping a brighter, more inclusive future.

Read more about these incredible stories on Instagram. Each of them reminds us why #GEARUPWorks.

Luis Gonzalez