National Council for Community and Education Partnerships

NCCEP/GEAR UP Annual Conference

Save the date!
July 13–16, 2025 | San Francisco, CA

The NCCEP/GEAR UP Annual Conference is the national convening of professionals, parents, students, policymakers, and community partners who support GEAR UP programs and the students they serve. By attending, you will gain ideas, strategies, and tools to better serve GEAR UP students through inspiring plenary sessions, concurrent sessions, and networking opportunities.

Registration will open in May, 2025. 


Submit a Proposal to Present

The Request for Proposals (RFP) to present at the Annual Conference is open! Submit your proposal by December 13, 2024.

To help you prepare, review the information below and the Sample Proposal. These have instructions and guidelines to help you write a proposal that adds to the growth and learning of our GEAR UP community.

Create a Successful Proposal

Click on the titles below to read more.

  • -Every organization (per PR award number for GEAR UP grantees) is allowed to submit a maximum of four proposals. NCCEP reserves the right to limit the number of sessions in which an individual may participate.

    -All GEAR UP staff completing the application must coordinate proposals with their GEAR UP director to ensure their organization does not submit more than four proposals per PR award number, and that their director is aware of the intention to submit a proposal.

    -Vendor applicants are strongly encouraged to present with a GEAR UP grant.

    -You must register for the event taking place from July 13-16, 2025, to be eligible to present. Conference registration will open in early May 2025.

    -A minimum of two presenters are required for every proposal. If a presenter cannot attend, they must be replaced before the event.

    -NCCEP reserves the right to implement edits to approved conference abstracts.

  • Proposals are evaluated and scored by reviewers external and internal to NCCEP. Reviewers use a scoring rubric to evaluate submissions, and each proposal is scored in the following four areas:

    (1) Quality and comprehensiveness of the written proposal, including writing style, presentation of idea, and grammar/syntax. The abstract and learning objectives should succinctly and clearly summarize the session topic and approach.

    (2) Learning objectives and content focus. Exceptionality in proposed approach to issue.

    (3) Quality and methods of audience engagement.

    (4) Alignment between the session and application to a GEAR UP audience.

  • -Write your proposal for a broad appeal and avoid using jargon.

    -Consider ways to engage your audience throughout your presentation.

    -Focus on what matters most as well as replication and adaptability. How might someone from another program use what you share?

    -People love resources – what do you have to share?

    -For vendors: remember, this is not about sales, it is about establishing expertise.

    -No need to describe your GEAR UP context within the session description (where you are, demography, etc.) unless it is essential to your content.

    -Keep in mind that sessions should be developed and designed for delivery to 50 - 100+ participants.

Submission Deadline: December 13, 2024

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Past Events

Looking for prior conference programs? Check out our National Events Archive.