Upcoming Events
2025 National GEAR UP Academy
February 3-6, 2025
2025 NCCEP/GEAR UP Annual Conference
July 13–16, 2025

Our Work
We strive to ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed in life after high school. Through our advocacy efforts, we mobilize communities to expand and sustain college access, readiness, and success initiatives, with a focus on the federal Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) initiative. Through our research and evaluation work, we ensure that education professionals have the necessary skills, capabilities, and infrastructure to make informed decisions. Lastly, through our programs and professional development, we foster a culture of continuous improvement so that our youth, families, and educators not only succeed, but accelerate progress.
Youth Programming
Our Career & College Clubs are perfectly suited for schools and after-school programs. Our Youth Leadership Summit provides in-depth leadership training for select students nationally.
Data, Research & Evaluation
The College and Career Readiness Evaluation Consortium works to ensure that GEAR UP programs have the data infrastructures and evaluation designs required to continually improve their practices and impact.
We work closely with Congress, the White House, and the U.S. Department of Education to represent the interests of our members and GEAR UP community and elevate the #GEARUPworks message.
Professional Development & Assistance
As the training and technical assistance provider for the GEAR UP community, we host two national events and a variety of institutes for education leaders, family advocates, and evaluators.
“ With even more support, GEAR UP will continue to develop and nurture our country’s youth into well-rounded students, leaders, and entrepreneurs.”

GEAR UP by the Numbers
Through the coordinated advocacy efforts of our community and allies, NCCEP helps ensure that states and communities have the resources to improve outcomes.
We work with educators to ensure that every student is receiving effective support and guidance as they navigate the pathway to college and career.
We foster comprehensive multi-sector partnerships to strengthen local systems and create a lasting impact on schools in high-need communities.
Get Involved
Join a strong and vibrant community of leaders fiercely committed to expanding educational opportunities for all students.
Make a tax-deductible gift to help advance our mission and support our youth programming.
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Stay up to date with the latest GEAR UP news by subscribing to our weekly digital newsletter, the GEAR UP Digest.