Share the GEAR UP
Good News

A group of high school students participating at NCCEP's Youth Leadership Summit.

2025 Communications and Advocacy Campaign

GEAR UP needs you!

Now more than ever, funding for GEAR UP is at risk.

Together, we make the greatest impact.

NCCEP is here to be your voice on Capitol Hill, but we need you—and your broader communities—to raise your voice and advocate on GEAR UP’s behalf. Through coordinated effort, we can share a unified message of the benefits of this critical program.

You know that #GEARUPworks. Make sure everyone knows it!

You’ve seen the impact of GEAR UP firsthand, but have your neighbors, local leaders, and community members? Your U.S. Congressional Senators and Representatives' matter, but you need to grow awareness and support with your local communities first.

Use the following tools and resources to share the GEAR UP story to local elected officials like your school boards, your school or organization’s leadership, and your community’s local media outlets.


Get Organized & Aligned to Our National Message

  • Adapt the GEAR UP Talking Points (Word) to your local context by sourcing testimonials and relevant data.

  • Download the national About GEAR UP (PDF) handout and create a Fact Sheet (Canva) for your program from our template.

  • Identify important local decision makers and influencers with our Key Audiences (Word) worksheet.

  • Update your program’s website and other materials as needed.


Take Action & Share the GEAR UP Good News

  • Share your talking points and fact sheets with important local decision makers and influencers.

  • Engage your local media outlets to cover GEAR UP. Use our Media Relations Kit (Word) to send press releases and media advisories. Coordinate with your GEAR UP Director to submit an Op-Ed (Word) to your local paper.

  • Post on social media about the benefits of GEAR UP, tagging NCCEP and key decision-makers. Use our social media templates (Canva)Get to Know GEAR UP, Share the GEAR UP Good News, and Telling Stories with Data—along with our Checklist (PDF) to guide your posts.

Join the National Movement

Let’s share the GEAR UP good news! Help us get to 200 news articles, TV spots, and op-eds about GEAR UP by June 30, 2025.

For each piece of media coverage your grant shares with NCCEP, your grant will receive one entry into a drawing for a choice of:

Updated March 13, 2025


GEAR UP In the News

See examples of media coverage, social media posts, and other ways programs across the country are sharing the importance and impact of GEAR UP.