Activate Your Community During National GEAR UP Week

ENGAGE THE Community

Time your local and regional GEAR UP outreach and partnership work to coincide with National GEAR UP Week.

  • Reach out to families through workshops, dinners, and weekend programs.

  • Engage the faith-based community to provide workshops after services.

  • Create a forum for business leaders to discuss the importance of education.

  • Invite all partners to a ceremony that recognizes their collective impact.


It’s imperative that the public understand why and how we do what we do.

  • Create a poster for organizations and businesses to show their support.

  • Work with your public relations office in your district or institution to invite media coverage for your events.

  • Write an op-ed in your local paper.

  • Send out a press release.


Too often we talk about education in abstract terms or in a national context. Start a conversation and help people understand the local implications.

  • Share data on local education challenges and GEAR UP successes on social media.

  • Have your students create a documentary.

  • Engage your public broadcasting TV and radio to illustrate local stories.

  • Use a National GEAR UP Week virtual background in online meetings.