Consortium for College Opportunity Updates

Consortium Colleges Are Coming to You: Meet Selective College Admissions Teams Nationwide!

This fall, Consortium colleges are hitting the road to connect with students, educators, and communities across the nation. From Atlanta to Arizona, Seattle to South Carolina, representatives from top institutions will be attending college fairs, visiting high schools, and meeting with stakeholders to share insights into the admissions process and college life. Below, you'll find key highlights of where our teams will be traveling throughout September. Be sure to follow our weekly updates to stay informed on when a Consortium college will be near you!

Coming to a Town Near You: College Travel Highlights

This fall, Consortium colleges will travel nationwide to visit schools, attend college fairs, and meet with educators, students, and other stakeholders. Here are some travel highlights for September:

Stay up-to-date with each week’s Consortium travel schedule through the following links

Search the college-specific databases of Consortium member colleges for the upcoming events taking place around the country:

 How to Make Contact with Admissions Staff

Interested in connecting with admissions representatives while they’re in your area? Reach out directly using the contact information below:

Admission Staff
Institution Contact Person Email
Colgate University Gabriela Marrero
Dartmouth College Christina Moreland
Macalester College Aisha Gonzalez
University of Pennsylvania Jordan Pascucci
University of Southern California Maria Rodriguez - AZ Nancy Ohia - DC/MD
Leslie Escobedo - TX
Tufts University Sean Ashburn
Luis GonzalezComment